Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shiny Charizard Action Repplay Doamond

After the cozy pub evenings with Paul on some glass of wine, I was dropped like a stone into bed. When I awoke the next morning, I was rested and relaxed. It was liberating to realize that the decision to start something new, had already been taken - even if I was his was not aware until yesterday. Now I could concentrate fully on find out what I really wanted. When Maja I had seen that it was possible to stand on its own feet, though not always easy. Was only to clarify the question of what exactly I wanted to make. But I had plenty of time.
I crawled out of bed late. In the kitchen I could hear voices and smell of coffee hovered around the flat.
"Good morning! Here it will smell delicious! "
" Hey sleepyhead, well, sleep well? "Paula sat with a steaming cup of coffee at the kitchen table and read in a newspaper.
"Like a log. And you? Have you been awake long? "
" about an hour ago. When I put the whole Week earlier has to go, my rhythm is not quite adapted. This is the first weekend that I got free, since I'm here in London! I do not even know exactly what to do. "She had to laugh. "Unbelievable, I have free time! Aaahh! "
" Oh man! Doctor seems to be not just his private life-friendly. "
" Well, here it is better than in Germany. But it is much the same. "
" The main thing you have fun! "
" That in any case. Say, we do not do something nice? What do you mean? "
" Sure, sure. Have you heard the weather report? Just so we know whether we need to plan outside or inside. "
" Today more heavy rain in the evenings but always beautiful. Sunny morning. "
" Then let's go tomorrow in any park or something. And today ... hmm, now we have breakfast first and then stroll comfortably, we could go to Camden and there a little bit. Were you there yet? "
" No, but have heard a lot. "
" It's great there. Very freaky, but I like totally good. "
" Then let's go there today. And if we are not totally done, we are still lacking. "
" Good idea. Where is Sam? "
"This is Josh with her boyfriend. But perhaps they may well come today evening. We will see when we are back again, then again if she is at home. Otherwise, I'll call them at times. "

We spent the afternoon for an extended stroll to the Camden Markets. There was much admired and browse. Of course you can also buy various trinkets, so we had lots of fun, when out and try. In particular, the jewelry shops and stands had it done to us. Paula bought a great chain for her mother, and earrings for themselves. I bought a nice cloth and matching bracelets for Maja and for me a couple of earrings. When we needed a break and protection looking from a heavy rain had, we went to a large coffee to Starbucks .
"Wow do I hurt your feet!"
"Ask me out! But it's great here! I think here I will soon browse more often. "
" I believe you much. If you need even a gift, here are certainly something beautiful. "
" Have you before this Jeremy to call as long as you're still here? "
" How did you get on now? "I had to laugh.
"I do not know, I noticed such a degree."
"Hmm, so why not? That was nice. "
"Call him on it and ask what he does tonight. Maybe we can do something together. "I looked at her surprised. "So only if you do not mind. But I know here, yes even as good as anybody. "
" Right. Wait, I think I have his card here. "I reached into my pocket for my wallet and found the business card. Before long I was thinking, I called him.
"You have reached the voice mail of Jeremy Collins. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!
"Hi Jeremy, Sady here. Too bad that I do not reach. I wanted to ask spontaneous, whether you today Evening already have something to do? Determined. Hmm, if not, my friend Paula and I will probably go to a wine in a bar. Perhaps Soho? Um, yes. Sign up easily. Bye, Sady. "I hung up. "It was just the mailbox to it."
"Well, maybe he answers yes."
"Yes, we'll see."
"Was he really single?"
I shrugged. "I have no idea. To be honest, we were talking not about it. But he also mentioned no one. "
Paula grinned mischievously. "Well, but interested?"
"Paula, really now! If you would not ask constantly, I would have still made no thoughts about it! "
" Sorry, "she chuckled," I think it's just something unusual that you're barely a week here and already you talk to someone and you two hours chatting about everything. "
"Oh, this is totally normal. I've never before seen in London that I am the evening went out and got no new acquaintance. Somehow the tick different. "
" Really? Is really time that I meet not only London's healthcare. "
" Looks that way! "
" Shall we go? Then we can eat comfortably at home and our feet Maintaining and then we'll see what the evening brings so. "
" Good idea! "

On the way home we ran into a proper downpour in which even helped shield no more. Soaking wet, we arrived at Paula's apartment.
"So, after the London weather has fulfilled every cliché, I would suggest a hot bath." Paula had her dripping jacket fall in the kitchen. "Proposal, I quickly take a bath, then you can to the bathroom and I cook in the meantime something delicious for us." Sounds
"super! Then I see at times that I put the wet clothes into the machine. "
" Super I, in about half an hour back. "
"Take your time!"
I snuggled in a fluffy bathrobe and made myself comfortable on the couch zapping through the channels and got stuck in Eastenders . As long as I had not seen that! I was in a way no longer up to date, but I still maintained. In the end all soap operas were the same. Forty minutes later, Paula came up with rosy cheeks from the bath.
"It was a blessing!" She sat next to me plop on the sofa. "What are you looking at you because of that?" The scorn in her voice was not to be missed.
"East Enders. Do not laugh! This is Good times Bad times in English. "
"Well then! Come on, off with you into the bathroom. A hot bath is just right now. If you come back out there to eat. "
" That sounds great! "

well as I soaked in the bath was, Sam was back at home.
"Hey Sam! Glad you're here! "
" Sady! And I see exactly the right time -.! Time is when the food on the table "
" Well, what I call timing
Over dinner we talked about the rest of the evening planning. Sam wanted to make a cozy evening at home. Your friend Josh was traveling with friends, but she was more like a DVD evening.
"To to be honest, that sounds very tempting, "I said. "Now so after the hot bath and a delicious meal I have to get out and do not necessarily again."
"I feel like," agreed Paula. "Has for Jeremy yet reported? Would be silly if we have no desire ... "
" Oh, I totally forgot the "
" Sady "Paula laughed indignantly. "You seem really not to be interested."
"My goodness, I'm saying all the time!" I jumped up and tried my phone. The battery was empty and the phone.
"crap. My battery is empty. "
"Then there is a plug and look to see if you have a message."
I took the charger out of my suitcase, my combined phone and turned it on. Immediately released the news that I had a voicemail.
"Hi Sady! That's a surprise. Nice that you call, but tonight is not good. How about tomorrow? I've arranged with friends in Hyde Park . It is supposed to be good weather. If you like, then just come to it. We meet so against a picnic. Call to if you want to come, then I tell you where exactly are we related to. Make yourself a nice evening! Bye, Jeremy. "
" He has for today canceled, but we invited Tomorrow 13 clock for a picnic in Hyde Park. "
" Really? "Paula was totally surprised. "I do not believe it now! You are here five days and will immediately invited somewhere. I'm here for 5 weeks and I've not met anybody, "Paula was shocked honestly.
"Well but" Sam mixed up. "That's not so yes now. You work too much! "
" WE are also invited. Come on! "
" Right. And? If we go? "
" What a question! Of course. Hyde Park is great. "
I called back and said to Jeremy. Then Sam went into a video store and gave three films from. We made ourselves comfortable in the living room half the night and watched movies.


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