Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Large Nipples Gay Men

India and the thing with the garbage

India, a beautiful country of mountains, deserts, river valleys, rain forest and the sea. For everyone found the best landscapes, for each athlete the best outdoor activities. An absolute dream ... If there were not of the garbage ... He is everywhere, ubiquitous. Old plastic hangs in the BaĆ¼men swims in the rivers and on the ground, whether in the vicinity of towns or in the absolute nowhere, whether on the highest peaks or in the vast plains of the desert. All of indene is covered with a mighty thick layer of garbage, from the far north to the southernmost tip, completely trashed. Naples itself seems to be a green paradise. Anyone who has been in Naples, can now take a picture of the landscapes wages here.

It is not that the Indians would disturb the. Quite the contrary. A Example from the train: On the road from Palolem to Calicut, we sat in a compartment with three Indians, one of the pages constantly in his Java-Script-tome, it was therefore seems relatively educated Indians. Now as it happens in Indian trains, any people constantly running through the Sleeperclass who want to sell things, travelers. It extends the range of Indian tea, in about Aluschachteln packaged food to Stoffschneuztuechern. The latter use the Indians but not for blowing the nose - they spit anyway every half hour out of the window - but to wipe his face. But that is only incidentally mentioned :-). Now the three young men next to us, therefore, bought rice in Aluschaelchen, tea in Papbechern and drinking water in plastic bottles. They ate their rice and drank her tea and her water and threw it after they had finished dinner it all out the window of the train, in the middle of nowhere ... And they were not the only ... Absolutely everyone einzellne Indians handles Muellentsorgung this way.
Suppose one in ten Indians throw Aluschaelchen per day from the train and each of these damage elk containing 10 g of aluminum, would then be in India per day 1000 tons of aluminum simply thrown out the window. The limit. At current prices for Al, I wonder why no Indians came up with the idea to rise as a recycling magnate of the richest people in the world ...

Another example from the now distant days of our trip: while we with our Exkursionsbus in Rajasthan and Gujarat were traveling to hauffte during the trips to a considerable amount of garbage we throw in feinsaeuberlich Papkartons. At the respective terminal stations in small towns or big cities, then the whole was often simply dumped on the street. When we inquired about how the garbage disposed of here in Rajasthan would we received in response meisst, that there would be no trash and the garbage man in front of their shops at the end of the day just to sweep up a small Haeuffchen and to dignity. burn for exactly this reason, throughout India, meisst the late evening, little Muellfeuerchen, the rug in her biting smell over city and countryside place.
And the worst thing is: you have simply no other way. At the beginning of our backpacker time we tended to carry around the empty Verpackungsgegenstaende in our pockets with, in the hope that somewhere they would eventually find a trash can. But the fact is, there is no waste - at least not in the north of the country - and so it is better or worse, forced to handle the disposal of its waste as also as everyone else. Here in the south (we are just arrived at Fort Kochi), but this situation is somewhat different. There is something of a waste collection and very rarely there are also times trash can but really only very rarely.
India, an apparently emerging country - in many ways, but just third world.
So the next time there again more happy posts about a very adventurous bus and about how you have a "special permission" for a fact because of forest major fire closed National Park gets :-)
you soon


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