Why do doors open outwards, space is a dimensionless space or the story of Vomit of the small Indian plastic bag
Yes dear readers today, it is about time some of the transport to report our trip: preferably the Indian local bus.
The noisy little junk boxes, equipped with 4 wheels (+ \\ - Tires), 1-2 Einstiegstueren, about 20 seats, a powerful motor and a cig nichtzuvergessen-headed coach staff are in the Indian transport hardly imagine. So they bring but each one from A to B and the extremely low price.
If the hill no matter how steep the still waters as deep or overgrown jungle full of wild animals wie'd sow, with the gas pedal, a horn and some acrobatics from the hips of a bus driver overcomes every obstacle.
The most impressive experience, we took one morning on our way to the south. In all Herrgottsfrueh climb at half past five so we should back our bus to bring us towards the coast. According to one local would take the road to about 2000m deeper Calicut about 1.5-2h. "A little faster than the way up here!" he said and we agreed with a nod, goes downhill, after all, too ... but more equal.
As we climbed out of nowhere appeared the dark bus full of expectations, we had to immediately determine that India already half sitting on the bus and we would remain nothing but a standing-room. Then, when the problem was resolved with the luggage and they left off and gradually the interest-eyed pairs of eyes of the passengers of us and closed around the early morning sleep to continue.
Yes dear readers today, it is about time some of the transport to report our trip: preferably the Indian local bus.
The noisy little junk boxes, equipped with 4 wheels (+ \\ - Tires), 1-2 Einstiegstueren, about 20 seats, a powerful motor and a cig nichtzuvergessen-headed coach staff are in the Indian transport hardly imagine. So they bring but each one from A to B and the extremely low price.
If the hill no matter how steep the still waters as deep or overgrown jungle full of wild animals wie'd sow, with the gas pedal, a horn and some acrobatics from the hips of a bus driver overcomes every obstacle.
The most impressive experience, we took one morning on our way to the south. In all Herrgottsfrueh climb at half past five so we should back our bus to bring us towards the coast. According to one local would take the road to about 2000m deeper Calicut about 1.5-2h. "A little faster than the way up here!" he said and we agreed with a nod, goes downhill, after all, too ... but more equal.
As we climbed out of nowhere appeared the dark bus full of expectations, we had to immediately determine that India already half sitting on the bus and we would remain nothing but a standing-room. Then, when the problem was resolved with the luggage and they left off and gradually the interest-eyed pairs of eyes of the passengers of us and closed around the early morning sleep to continue.
Now we knew what the old man has tried before to give us.
So we led the way down the mountain, in curves and at times seemingly on two wheels and the brakes only as a last resort, from stop to stop.
Unfortunately, increased at each stop 5 other people and we were pushed slowly into the vehicle. First in a series in a row, then the whole thing a little closer ... then we had to already make two rows ... then the whole compressed a little ... and it comes out a bunch of people verwurschtelter. Detention was not necessary, it was now easy to swing through the crowd. The bus was full but not for long. As most Indian bus doors can be opened to the outside, the next few passengers hanging just outside turn.
None of these circumstances, of course, could be responsible for a delay of the bus, so cranked on full throttle and the steering wheel busy. Actually, the ride was basically just a series of Überholmannövern overtake using the slogan first, then behold whether what comes. Fortunately, the shortage could be these actions do not always follow because the oncoming truck was traveling without lights anyway. Quote Chris. "If I could I'd go to the front of a bus driver and his gscheit Watschn gebm And he knew exactly what would the gwesn!"
Well, so you had to make friends well - a lot of unpleasant, however, was so slow the breathing air in the bus. Sorry, felt the schlummerden seat Indians do not lead to the window to open even a crack, or did they just return to the window if you had opened it.
As if that was not enough ... but worse Happen? So from the part of the ride probably the stomach an Indian woman was not so amused about the downhill curve-Geras and she began to choke loudly. Fortunately, she was mentally strong enough to resist to the needs of their bodies until one of the bus guard unperturbed expressed her a plastic bag in his hand. So that the party was opened ... the beginning was done and the bags gabs enough bus. This offer was gratefully made use, and ultimately half the seats crew mitgefeiert ... a true Kotzerama! Unfortunately, this meant
fact far from that now a window was open ... quite the opposite. Understand that if you want.
Well just cut some trucks and a couple of bags later, we finally arrived at our destination and were able to breathe freely again. But
As already mentioned, it was cheap and the bus brought us to B, that is all cool!
(The story is based on a true story for possible exaggeration is not the author is responsible, it could have been a printing error addition:.. If something seems exaggerated, if at all, just a little Unfortunately you have to you right now even with pictures of my! Handzs content ... something like NEN SD Carcreader we have here can muster even non.)
So then, dear greetings from Fort Kochi, bonuses!
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