Thursday, March 19, 2009
Can I Tile Over Orange Peel Drywall
There once was a giant continent called Gondwana '. If we could go back sometimes just 400 million years by the time would be the place where we stay just about in the area of the 40th Degrees south latitude and staying between the zeroth and the 10th longitude East Longitude, a little further south than the Cape of Good Hope today. Only 250 million years later had the almighty about us and other plans with Gondwana split the Indian subcontinent from the African plate and sent it slowly to the northeast. The entertainment's sake it was with much noise and bang firework rockets to the non-geological fraction of our readership will not get bored. So far so good ... the Indian subcontinent cruised to say nearly another 240 million years aimlessly gene Northeast by Tethys (that's called the sea at that time) until it docked at virtually the Eurasian plate and assembled at to its current postition. That made it something like "click" sounds strange, but Sun As a result of this not too friendly encounter between the two plates gabs again crash bang and a lot of firework rockets ind form of volcanoes and earthquakes and all of those precious geological Geschmarrns.
It happened so at the time, and now again is the talk of the presence dear readers, that a small group consisting of 20 brave junior geologists from Erlangen, was given as two, have local knowledge these prices, on the wide Travel to India went to the study of the geological "Gewurschtels" (after Ferdl et. Al. 2009) have made to accept the two continental plates lusitgen time with it.
At this point, I refer you a little further down in our blog and dare a jump further ahead to the second part of our trip ... any that with geology: D
story so far ...
... after we left the beautiful idyllic palm-lined sandy beach in Palolem (I would rename it in Palm Olem) I will here summarize views expressed in short form. In the following, I apologize if I avoid some in the English language but that has currently in the brain as wide made ... sometimes we talk just like a little three in English until we remember that we all understand German.
made from Palolem from us on the journey continues to be more precise head South to Calicut, Gerda times 9am train was ertfernt of us. We arrived at 5 am in such a clock, fortunately we were able to train on + / - sleep beds, and mounted as described below even the mountain-sprinter-I-go-with-my-feet-never-the-accelerator bus to finally arrive after a long journey in Kalpetta. Kalpetta is not Calcutta and is located in Wyanad district in the Indian state of Kerala.
Kalpetta is a beautiful small busy place a little further up is located on the apparently quite rare should stray tourists. All the more irritated we were when we met at our hostel on massive other German students. This should, however, prove to be advantageous for us as we met a couple in our age Stuttgart that we were riding together on 'safari' through the jungle.
We did so with a jeep through the wilderness to past thundering waterfalls, vast tea and coffee plantations, mines filled with dangerous snakes and other deadly animals (tigers, elephants, monkeys (cute small), dogs, cats, cows, Buffalo, Flughoernchen, etc.), the steep cliffs to climb as high as the clouds are not present in the evening exhausted but with asleep to a wealth of Gelaendeerfahrung be met again in the brooding warm night.
After this formative experience, we had to say: Good bye and again of our two companions to them yet again on the train further south to Kochi just apply again next to our sleeping compartment.
Arrived in Kochi to not re-7h unanstregenden train we were on the island of Fort Kochi "a nice little shelter and met us for a beautiful sunset on the first with the Stuttgart Abdenessen. can extract curious events of the evening further down from Christopher's column.
After a night pouring rain as I have never seen before was a wonderfully sultry day we to wander around the city took advantage and makes some small purchases. It was again time to say goodbye to our two Teilzeitgefaehrten from Stuttgart to continue our journey towards the south vortzusetzen and drive to the train to Kottayam where should we start from a ferry in further adventures.
But for this part of the journey dear readers, I need you, unfortunately, a
postpone other times as the night falls and I have another appointment with the mosquitoes in my fluffy cozy little bed.
It is as good as night and greetings to Germany.
To be continued ...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wording For Invitations For A Football Birthday
This is the story of a restaurant. Just as it seems, a completely normal restaurant with completely normal staff. They serve, they bring the bill and collect them.
But something is different. you are sooo not friendly as elsewhere, her expression is not quite as soft as it should be and they are not as aware as we are actually used in Indian restaurants.
we learned yesterday why it is so. Because the restaurant is at war and the waiters have to find their Kellnertaetigkeiten fight at the front on life and death. The brutality of the road has made them hard and relentlessly, with all respect other people has been lost from over.
Best I'm starting from scratch: When we
yesterday Fort Kochi arrived, we arranged to meet with our two friends from Kalpeta that Susan and Robert of Swabia for the evening meal. We met at 19 clock in the picturesque Chinese fishing nets and went into the first-best restaurant, according to our surprise the only foreigners. Until now it was always like that the restaurants were still dominated by Indian customers. Well, we sat at the open window seat, according ordered our food at the somewhat comical waiter.
Until that time, an ordinary evening. At some point, we were almost finished with the meal, started outside our window - we had so Logenplaetze-the tragedy. A relatively old Indians beat another, somewhat younger, in the face. Very quickly added flocked from all sides men and joined the fight. When it seemed to be back again and we look at the brutality of that rather harsh confrontation had left out, I turned around to order a water. But our waiter was gone. I turned back and there he was. Outside of the restaurant with a large stone in one hand, he read quite accurately fly a fighter of the seemingly opposing party. There were stones thrown back and the whole thing started all over again.
After a while he appeared again in the restaurant, and brought me my water as if nothing happened would be completely quiet and routine.
some point we wanted to pay then, finally, was the Fight almost over and the enemy army was there to pull back from the front line, but the waiter was gone. So I turned back again and lo and behold, he and all the other staff of the restaurant had caught one of the fleeing men and went to third on a man lying on the ground. Thank God, others came back and freed the man bleeding heavily and schlepten him away.
two to three stone and Flaschenwuerfe later the staff came back one after another into the restaurant and resumed their normal work again. We paid - a tip there were none - and went. We got even with how the police came on motorcycles. However, these have appeared on the side of our restaurant staff to be, which had contributed in our view, but clearly to the negative development of the situation. I just hope the police officers who survived the volatile, the injured fighter is clearly on the part of the Indian Act as "evil" rated counterparty that is not found, because they had this confrontation will most likely not. So you can read every day in the newspaper that Indian police officers tend to people - often innocent - beaten during interrogations and as we have heard from so many passengers robbed, they exist in tourism that the victim is watching how them back for the apparent perpetrators of the timber body in order to elicit information from it. Finally, yes you want to show that they enter in the investigation of the case all the effort ...
might seek to fight for power in the district or by law to exercise power conferred by any means: The normal life of an Indian restaurant staff and his friends from the Indian Pozilei.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
How To Apply Nail Decals
Yes dear readers today, it is about time some of the transport to report our trip: preferably the Indian local bus.
The noisy little junk boxes, equipped with 4 wheels (+ \\ - Tires), 1-2 Einstiegstueren, about 20 seats, a powerful motor and a cig nichtzuvergessen-headed coach staff are in the Indian transport hardly imagine. So they bring but each one from A to B and the extremely low price.
If the hill no matter how steep the still waters as deep or overgrown jungle full of wild animals wie'd sow, with the gas pedal, a horn and some acrobatics from the hips of a bus driver overcomes every obstacle.
The most impressive experience, we took one morning on our way to the south. In all Herrgottsfrueh climb at half past five so we should back our bus to bring us towards the coast. According to one local would take the road to about 2000m deeper Calicut about 1.5-2h. "A little faster than the way up here!" he said and we agreed with a nod, goes downhill, after all, too ... but more equal.
As we climbed out of nowhere appeared the dark bus full of expectations, we had to immediately determine that India already half sitting on the bus and we would remain nothing but a standing-room. Then, when the problem was resolved with the luggage and they left off and gradually the interest-eyed pairs of eyes of the passengers of us and closed around the early morning sleep to continue.
Now we knew what the old man has tried before to give us.
So we led the way down the mountain, in curves and at times seemingly on two wheels and the brakes only as a last resort, from stop to stop.
Unfortunately, increased at each stop 5 other people and we were pushed slowly into the vehicle. First in a series in a row, then the whole thing a little closer ... then we had to already make two rows ... then the whole compressed a little ... and it comes out a bunch of people verwurschtelter. Detention was not necessary, it was now easy to swing through the crowd. The bus was full but not for long. As most Indian bus doors can be opened to the outside, the next few passengers hanging just outside turn.
None of these circumstances, of course, could be responsible for a delay of the bus, so cranked on full throttle and the steering wheel busy. Actually, the ride was basically just a series of Überholmannövern overtake using the slogan first, then behold whether what comes. Fortunately, the shortage could be these actions do not always follow because the oncoming truck was traveling without lights anyway. Quote Chris. "If I could I'd go to the front of a bus driver and his gscheit Watschn gebm And he knew exactly what would the gwesn!"
Well, so you had to make friends well - a lot of unpleasant, however, was so slow the breathing air in the bus. Sorry, felt the schlummerden seat Indians do not lead to the window to open even a crack, or did they just return to the window if you had opened it.
As if that was not enough ... but worse Happen? So from the part of the ride probably the stomach an Indian woman was not so amused about the downhill curve-Geras and she began to choke loudly. Fortunately, she was mentally strong enough to resist to the needs of their bodies until one of the bus guard unperturbed expressed her a plastic bag in his hand. So that the party was opened ... the beginning was done and the bags gabs enough bus. This offer was gratefully made use, and ultimately half the seats crew mitgefeiert ... a true Kotzerama! Unfortunately, this meant
fact far from that now a window was open ... quite the opposite. Understand that if you want.
Well just cut some trucks and a couple of bags later, we finally arrived at our destination and were able to breathe freely again. But
As already mentioned, it was cheap and the bus brought us to B, that is all cool!
(The story is based on a true story for possible exaggeration is not the author is responsible, it could have been a printing error addition:.. If something seems exaggerated, if at all, just a little Unfortunately you have to you right now even with pictures of my! Handzs content ... something like NEN SD Carcreader we have here can muster even non.)
Large Nipples Gay Men
India, a beautiful country of mountains, deserts, river valleys, rain forest and the sea. For everyone found the best landscapes, for each athlete the best outdoor activities. An absolute dream ... If there were not of the garbage ... He is everywhere, ubiquitous. Old plastic hangs in the Baümen swims in the rivers and on the ground, whether in the vicinity of towns or in the absolute nowhere, whether on the highest peaks or in the vast plains of the desert. All of indene is covered with a mighty thick layer of garbage, from the far north to the southernmost tip, completely trashed. Naples itself seems to be a green paradise. Anyone who has been in Naples, can now take a picture of the landscapes wages here.
It is not that the Indians would disturb the. Quite the contrary. A Example from the train: On the road from Palolem to Calicut, we sat in a compartment with three Indians, one of the pages constantly in his Java-Script-tome, it was therefore seems relatively educated Indians. Now as it happens in Indian trains, any people constantly running through the Sleeperclass who want to sell things, travelers. It extends the range of Indian tea, in about Aluschachteln packaged food to Stoffschneuztuechern. The latter use the Indians but not for blowing the nose - they spit anyway every half hour out of the window - but to wipe his face. But that is only incidentally mentioned :-). Now the three young men next to us, therefore, bought rice in Aluschaelchen, tea in Papbechern and drinking water in plastic bottles. They ate their rice and drank her tea and her water and threw it after they had finished dinner it all out the window of the train, in the middle of nowhere ... And they were not the only ... Absolutely everyone einzellne Indians handles Muellentsorgung this way.
Suppose one in ten Indians throw Aluschaelchen per day from the train and each of these damage elk containing 10 g of aluminum, would then be in India per day 1000 tons of aluminum simply thrown out the window. The limit. At current prices for Al, I wonder why no Indians came up with the idea to rise as a recycling magnate of the richest people in the world ...
Another example from the now distant days of our trip: while we with our Exkursionsbus in Rajasthan and Gujarat were traveling to hauffte during the trips to a considerable amount of garbage we throw in feinsaeuberlich Papkartons. At the respective terminal stations in small towns or big cities, then the whole was often simply dumped on the street. When we inquired about how the garbage disposed of here in Rajasthan would we received in response meisst, that there would be no trash and the garbage man in front of their shops at the end of the day just to sweep up a small Haeuffchen and to dignity. burn for exactly this reason, throughout India, meisst the late evening, little Muellfeuerchen, the rug in her biting smell over city and countryside place.
And the worst thing is: you have simply no other way. At the beginning of our backpacker time we tended to carry around the empty Verpackungsgegenstaende in our pockets with, in the hope that somewhere they would eventually find a trash can. But the fact is, there is no waste - at least not in the north of the country - and so it is better or worse, forced to handle the disposal of its waste as also as everyone else. Here in the south (we are just arrived at Fort Kochi), but this situation is somewhat different. There is something of a waste collection and very rarely there are also times trash can but really only very rarely.
India, an apparently emerging country - in many ways, but just third world.
So the next time there again more happy posts about a very adventurous bus and about how you have a "special permission" for a fact because of forest major fire closed National Park gets :-)
you soon
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Baby Leopard Gecko For Sale
How the can derive title of this entry, perhaps, and I now have bonuses for the second time the beneficial treatment of a barber let us go through. As this - though no less exciting and relaxing than the first time - but not so unusual, interesting and new, I would at this point of my first Report on a visit solchigen. Prior to approximately a little over a week - we were exploring, especially in Bhuj to get from there, the geology of Kutch basin - was the Wolfi and I got the idea to our now three-week-old beard of one of the many tradesmen remove professional leave. So we are gone off in the evening for us to go into the hands of the first-best barber ...
At this point I should perhaps briefly describe how it looks for a typical barber salon. Well, sort of like 90% of the other North West Indian shops and stores. This is a small garagenaehnlichen space that can be closed to the street with a garage door at the end of the workday. Yes, it makes very good with European standards would more than likely going to the salon with the noun "garage" describe. A garage in a series of very many other garages, which are all from both sides to the street open, and all offer different products or services.
were in this little room was a chair with a headrest in front of a mirror and a board on which all the required utensils for a Rassur.
Courageous, all our fears of AIDS and hepatitis in spite of us, then we went into the store.
The Barber justified for us for the Indians very typical, friendly way and asked me straight to the chair. He gave me a small towel around his shoulders and asked me how I was my Rassur want to have. I think he heard me saying "a WOAST wos, hau same ois away, then Basst of scho." not really understood and thought. "Oh, I have not understood that since the customer would like to have for a Rassur, but I miss him the best beard I wear the same, after all this is just a big hit in India This is he determines to be satisfied. " Well, this little Verstaendigungsschwierigkeit has led to my being at the end of treatment with an upper lip mustache, so he probably best suited to a highway police officer in the U.S., the 80s would have, had left the salon. What should I tell you ... I'm wearing this mustache and still find him on a nostalgic-ironic manner, still pretty cool :-). But well, back to Rassur.
all started with a spray bottle full of water, squirt me with the beard, the Indian stylist in the face. However, something does not fit him and I was not on it what it was, he injected himself into the water opened his eyes and said: "Its very nice freshing.." So I let my eyes at next start with a little help of his fingers open and lo and behold, there is actually little refreshing to spray dry at 32 degrees in the shade as there is water in the eyes - even if it initially feels a bit strange. Hama learned again what!
After I added a dollop of cream geklekst the barber from a tube of toothpaste on the cheek, He began with a brush, he appeared every few seconds in a Wasserschuesselchen to spread the cream on my beard and froth to Rassierschaum.
He showed me his Rassiermesser, cut off the blade, and threw it with one, the old blade force, disparaging views on demonstrative in the garbage and stretched, smiling again, a brand new packaged.
Whew, thank God. Now that the fear of disease was blown away, I could enjoy the Rassur full. And what to say. It was great! "Ritsch, Ratsch, Left, Right, Up, Down, scraping, trenching, a close look and finish." In the end, took the whole thing with Rassierwasserauftragen and facial massage about 20 minutes per person and cost 30 rupees, that is the equivalent of 50 cents. A dream. After Wolfgang had also received his unwanted, but still quite stylish mustache missed, we talked for a while with the barber, promised him the photos of Rassurerlebnisses bring for his room and finally said goodbye. Since we do not, however, the series brought to print the photos somewhere, we could unfortunately not redeem our promise yet. But we hope to be able to send him all over the hotel by e-mail.
Conclusion: It will cost me a lot of overcoming, Rassier me home again to myself :-)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Pokemon Fire Red Cheats For Mac
such dear reader, it will certainly slow time to add another entry to our blog. Unfortunately, we have yet not too overwhelming technical circumstances, and the scarce availability largely prevented from visiting the World Wide Web or was our enemy mangelde time during the excursion. Mitlerrweile the excursion is over and the more or less touristic part of our trip to India receives feeder. However we will of course try to reports in detail now but first a brief summary of the Trip time. reported
Since Chris already about social practices of the Hupens and all of our health conditions, I will devote myself to the cultural experiences of our trip. (The geology of the outside before I leave out, is likely to be of no interest to one or the other.) Began
our journey by landing in Mumbai at a pleasant 30 degrees. Unfortunately, we were initially not able to enjoy the city closer to take a close look, because right after we did a funny little junk flying an Indian beer (Kingfisher) and on to Udaipur.
came after a brief introduction we will first city to be healthy portion of our earned sleep, and day after, we went inside to the depths of Indian geology.
the exact path of our recent trip she could pursue this on the map.
On the whole, you see that we therefore already have been around during the trip well in northwest India, where our trip south of Mumbai already counts to our backpacker time. Currently we keep on the beach in Palolem and we recover for 4 days of the excursion hardships. Learn more about this later, but Chris.
Well what there is thus interesting to tell of our trip, do not even know where to start. had
How-loving looks like an everyday trip began our day early in the morning always quite as much distance to the outcrops of our dreams are back down. Especially for this job our excursion Head Coach with a funny little bit of leg room but have chosen instead even more cozy atmosphere. That bus, driven by one of the best Indian bus driver and his little brother of the job of waving or flashing and took (you must here note that there are in India, not a job a person does so scurry always heaps efficient Indians around each other what to get to the series), accompanied us ultimately to Ahmedabad from where our trip took a flight to Mumbai to an end.
so on in the text. We can therefore have more time during the three weeks of our laziness in for hours bus travel from A to B is free to us the staying power has bled.
As perhaps not wanting to miss any structure to my post but I kram grad so in my brain around and I'm tired ... : D
aside all of the beautiful nature in the north-west of India mostly consists of barren desert landscape, or steppes, it was to be mostly ramble but always breathtakingly his gaze into the distant landscape, or to see something of the bustle of everyday Indian life,-smell , hear-taste.
Since we are at our stops frequently far from any Zivilisaton (times aside from villages in 5 Huettengroesse) have moved we came frequently to enjoy surrounded us by local children and rediscover their family, the extremely were interested in helping out to us and showed up out of nowhere . In Fusball also packs something called education. I would like you to show a photo where you could understand very well the funzt but the SD Card Reader unfortunately net. Whatever the case, the most glaring example was one morning as 24 white Europeans for breakfast in a small Indian village of innocent jumped off the bus and the native firmly convinced we were Hollywood movie stars have to be here and be a shooting on the move. So has accompanied us at least our Indian professor of our tour group uebersezt: D
took Arrived in Jajpur it is not long and we visited an Indian wedding. We invited our Indian professor because his son had was the groom. So an Indian wedding runs already in a different way than we can hear it from us here. It is basically about three long days. The first two days is really only eaten well, of course, in the open and with much pomp and trallala, the one time with the guests of the bride, the next day with the guests of the groom. On the third day begins the only really interesting part of the wedding. They meet at the house of the groom and walk a few kilometers through the town to the festival site, the place of marriage. Of course it does not migrate normally but the procession is accompanied by drummers, horns, a Lantern who decides a little noisy vehicle with a diesel engine in the back. Oh and of course the groom's dressed like a Maharadschar on horseback accompanied the product, and its bustle proudly overlooks from above. The
noted a few miles can take quite a long one, not least after 20 meters, after which the procession are already 4 times to come is to musiziernen cheerful and jumping around.
Radhjastan in Da, the state where Jaipur is located, in February is wedding season until March, we naturally go to the fest even encounters with other weddings had ... the one groom even had an elephant ... jaja men always have to trade shows, hehe.
When we got there after seemingly endless hours on hard court was of course eating again, until finally the bride. From that date then the early couple at least 3 hours sitting on a well decorated and well-lit stage and thousands were first shake of hands and throw themselves into the photographers pose. After a short time we did the two poor souls up there on stage all right sorry. The ceremony was eigetnliche then exclusion of the guests and was celebrated only in small close family circle.
On the whole, one can we had to say something really lucky witnessed times. If we can be back in the country you probably also see the odd photo to the whole to be able to imagine better.
Jaisalmer, the golden city called, is like 1001 and is located in the desert (or almost). We are also the first time tourists ran into and you could see immediately that the Indians there are more Europeans than ever lived.
From Jaisalmer, we are then broken once in the right Sandduenenwueste and even have a camel ride into the sunset taken (unfortunately the sun was obscured by clouds, but I'm sure that they went anyway is!)
The term Wuestenschiff I can confirm only after this ride. On the way back we had but a little more lucky with the weather and we were able to admire apart from every conceivable light source, the breathtaking canopy of stars in the desert.
spent the last 5 days So we are Bhuj in Gujarat and then we flew back to another long drive from Ahmedabad to Mumbai in order to stop the part of the excursion and to begin part 2 of our trip.
So now I can not think grad still much too much, but that was then and there anyway, and really is not into the concept and would do everything just confused, so I'll keep the first for me.
Much love so bonus from the +30 degrees warmer in Palolem Goa.
Can You Use Koleston Hair Colour Whilst Pregnant
I wanted, since I now finally geschaft in an Internet coffee, have something to report on today's scooter ride along the coast of South Goa, but after today's dinner, should I just get excited about the work habits of the Indians. And by that I mean if any, that would 'lazy or the like; no quite the opposite. Since there where several Indians meet on a Hauffen now a busy hum, like the hum of a beehive full of working, busy bee - that only comes out when the bees usually something clever here. An example hierfuehr of today's dinner: One of the four standing around aimlessly waiter comes to us at the table and takes the order. He writes on his list the ordered Court word for word, what with a name like: "original Keralla fish with shark steak, tuna, shrimp, calamari in coconut sauce with extra rice takes quite some time. Anschliesend he leaves the table. As soon as he disappeared behind the counter in a heated debate starts from the waiters, whereupon he comes back and asks to shame. It explains so again what have they would like and it shows him on the map. He takes the card, holding his finger firmly on the place of the one to beat him again and runs back behind the counter. Another fierce debate rages between the staff, after which another waiter comes to our table and asks. After him, the same procedure was repeated once more, the order arrived at last to the kitchen and reached earlier than forty-five minutes our table, with the sauce comes with the fish for half an hour earlier than the rice and ... and even though it is the highly advertised specials ...
Another example: The Fiddler on the bus. As part of the geology excursion was to us the last three weeks, a rented bus for disposal, the U.S. (enter town on the rocks to days) of information down to information. The entire three weeks, next to the bus driver nor a fiddler on board whose sole task was to indicate to the driver's hand signal the way, if indeed this was once in the situation must ausparken backward.
However, in fairness be said that without the Winker certainly would not have been half as funny. WHILE we have put up from the bus, in the geologically interesting to wander around, has our Busbesatzung mostly sought a tree under which she was waiting for us. It was often the case that we observed in our return, as the two fought each other hand over hand on the tree, is pelted each other with stones, and have also tickled just incredible - always grinning from ear to ear.
Or one day after dinner in an Indian fast food restaurant, had the driver of the bus be parked Unfortunately, that entry for us directly behind a Cow dung was. So we are successively entered the bus, the driver and his Winker have watched. After the first three people they started to laugh loudly and giggling. When we finally were all on the bus we realized what they had found it so funny: einzellne Each of us has come when boarding the bus in the Kuhhinterlassenschaft and has distributed the dirt on the bus.
Instead of us but to give modest - after all it was clean including the task of Buscrew every night the bus - that we are filthy their bus and watch but rather should have both a later closing time accepted to at the sight how we connect all the pieces in the cow dung before laughing cry. (They were then, however, for their difficult work of our teachers plenty compensates :-)
"Winker Like" jobs available in India en mass: is the Trillerpfeiffenparkplatzzuweiser of parking for two full responsibility and all day long whistles in his whistle, whether now einparkt a car or not, the cashier, the Platzzuweiser and maintenance of cashiers and Platzzuweiser in a city bus, and so on us so forth. There are in this country, not a single job that could be executed by only one person and if they do, it is a fairly meaningless meisst job.
So, now, enough. In the end, it should be said, so haphazard, and dependent unautomatisiert Indians are also so funny and friendly they are.
To put it in the words of Rajiv, a PhD student from Jaipur, who has accompanied us on our excursion: "can not be compared with Germany, India, Man you have the drive trains approximately 300 km \\ h where they drive at most.. 100 km \\ h. India is simply slower, Relaxing in a certain way. " And that hits the nail on the head. If you keep this phrase in mind, it's not so bad for 1.5 hours for the meal to wait. Sun Inden's just. Different standards, different values and a completely different view of things.