Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Can You Get An Outbreak Of Herpes From Shaving?


is coming soon.

First it was months, then weeks and now we have only a few days before us, and we will go to our so-long awaited trip to faraway India.

the beginning there was a list somewhere on a bulletin board somewhere in the Institute of Geology of Northern Bavaria Geocenter the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nuremberg. There was a preliminary discussion, followed by a seminar in which each participant on a specific geological or paleontological subject related to the excursion spoke (I'll try to each field trip stops one or the other right Vortragshandout - of course with the consent of the author - insert here).

was the culmination of the preparation of a treat with a difference: an Indian evening with real Indian food, cooked by a real Indian woman (the wife of our paleontology professor, Prof. Dr. FT-itself), we have also had to typically Indian with his right hand to us - a task which sounds easier than it actually was / is.

The first issue was the left hand is to deter "mitzuessen. Since at least I'm used to hold the fork with the left, I was constantly trying this for the take of the sauce to use in floating rice grains. Unfortunately, the left hand in India, but the dirty hand. Due to lack of toilet paper it is there mainly for the clean from the toilet claimed body parts used.

One should therefore also guard against an Indian entgegenzustrecken the left hand in greeting, would understandably perceive this as an insult.

The next difficulty was the eating process itself. How do you get rice with pieces of cheese and sauce on top of hunger in the wide-open mouth?

Well, after a variety of methods have been tried and miserably failed, came my geology student, colleague and an expert in innovative food Ferdl S. a great idea: take a large chunk of the food by hand, the thumb then run across the dripping mass to the small finger, the hand holding her mouth and push from behind with his thumb up the food all gone in it is charged. Anyone who might one day before a plate of rice with sauce, but has no cutlery was available, this method strongly to heart.

Furthermore, it is unnecessary to mention that it is pointless to wipe WHILE the eating process hands :-).

After the battle was decided with the food in our favor, we were released with a slide show about the last India trip and final tips in the long time of Entgegenfieberns.

Well, since that day I sit at my clock and counting the seconds until it finally is, until we are on Monday, 09.02. climb clock in Munich at 14:25 our plane to travel to another world, a world away from the usual home, a world full of new sounds, smells and experiences.

India here I come!


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