Famous SVP Crown Prince, imposter, welfare cheats Paul E. Wittmer " Prof. DDDDr ." - ( Zappa = false name ) must be for 27 months in prison in addition to the penalty v. 5 June 2000, representatives of the "Germanic New Medicine", mountebank Harald Baumann http://www.neue-medizin.ch/behoerden/b1.html
Solothurner The Supreme Court has the con man and welfare cheats among other for a commercial fraud found guilty.
The amount of loss: a quarter of a million francs.
His scam he pulled over the years by: Paul E. Wittmer posed as a lawyer with the same number of doctor and a professor, cashed advance payments, receiving funds in order to supposedly gain a return. But everything was just dropped a pack of lies, from the bar exam on the various titles that promised advocacy services to the winning promising investments. All the money ended up in his pocket, the Solothurn Upper Court alone a total loss is one of just 250 000 francs.
In other cantons and abroad, further investigations against the impostor. plays
Even his own lawyer who is now angry with the offender in the second instance. SVP National Luzi Stamm (AG) took over the mandate at the request of the social authorities and is now long been reviled by Wittmer and threatened. On a browser, who lives in Austria cheater is even gone so far as to publish the personal e-mail communication with Luzi Stamm.
Before the Supreme Court was Wittmer, as did not appear before the District Court of Solothurn-livers did not appear, and the co-defendant wife. Wittmers woman was acquitted of fraud charges - it could be a Mitwissenschaft not been established - both were due to absence aufgebrummt a fine. A pittance compared to the punishment, which imposed the Supreme Court now.
Because multiple embezzlement, property confiscation, violation of the law against unfair competition, disobedience to a official order and what counts most for a commercial fraud, he was sentenced to 27 months in prison.
addition, there are next to the civil claims by a quarter of a million francs still legal by some 55,000 francs. duc
Canton Solothurn Upper Court, Trial Chamber Judgement
display STAPA.2006.32 v. 22.08.2007
further details about the dubious fraudster Paul E. Wittmer and his Compagnon's bankrupt Mario Posnansky Verwaltungsratspäsident The Atlantis Group in Bern Liq
http://www.solarverlag.de/news/news_wirtschaft_01-05-20_atlantis_pleite . htm
lic. rer. pol Peter Kuenzi of Wettswil, Ralf Krentz c / o RAIFFEISEN Benefits Foundation of St. Gallen,
Arlette Büchel and charlatan Harald Baumann and the "Germanic New Medicine"
http : / / www.swisscancer.ch/fileadmin/swisscancer/professionals/files/skak/01-02-Hamer-D_neu.pdf ,
http://www.neue-medizin.ch/ d. represented angebl. Attorney Paul E. Wittmer
representatives of the "Germanic New Medicine" by Dr. Hamer (repeatedly convicted http://www.krr-faq.net/reg3.php # hamer ) and Helmut Pilhar A-2724 Maiersdorf ,
Joe Magnanelli GENERALI Insurance Olten, bankrupt Günthert Moritz Director the dubious " ombudsman Balsthal " and from FSB Consult GmbH in Diegten BL, Hans Ruedi Niggli, Ugur Niggli-Topaktas owner from Apollo-platinum in Solothurn, Riza Smajli owner of the dubious Fa Reality Group Smajli & R. , in Liq Co., and The Future in Bellach R. Smajli + Co. in Olten , bankrupt Hans Jörg Studer Gunzgen business manager of the company Bela Swiss Import Gmb H in Liq , Heinz Halberg, Matthias Supersberger ( insolvency proceedings in Spain), Director of the company Briganzia Treuhand AG and Terra Sana Holding in Liq., Werner Peters, counsel alleged ECHR and representatives from the dubious VEMOWA AG etc over ". Prof. DDDDr
Paul E. Wittmer ( -Zappa = false name ), pseudo-scientists, investment fraud, lawyer is no one living in
A-6883 Au (Austria / Bregenz Forest), 455 Argenzipfel
http://rechtsfall-prof-ddddr -wittmer.blogspot.com /
Margaret Wittmer-Graber, co-defendant, Mitt knower is, of itself as Naturheilehrerin, lives in
A-6883 Au (Austria / Bregenz Forest), Argenzipfel 455
"couple Wittmer and Compagnon's
Werner Peters, counsel alleged ECHR
http://www.krr-faq.net/reg6.php # peters
Werner Peters described herself as a long " President of the Free People's State of Württemberg " and was the same as "Justice Minister " active. In this regard, he found himself an investigation of the prosecution Heilbronn (14 Js 35320/03) concerning the Official arrogance etc. exposed
as "legal advice" annoyed Peters dishes including complaints about the "vulgar" behavior of law, new arrivals, calls compensation "of at least 5,000,000 - U.S. $ per day " or proof of existence the Federal Republic of Germany. He also threatens to requesting international arrest warrants and criminal charges "in all courts and prosecutors Internatioanl ( Screenshot ) and others
Werner Peters seems due to financial difficulties his love for the" Deutsche Reich " have discovered. In January 2004, reported in any case he carried with him a depth of eviction.
Press Release
07/05/2005 - Statement on "Germanic New Medicine" (GNM)
expert opinion for the German Cancer Society on "Germanic New Medicine (GNM)", founded by Dr. Hamer
Available Sources:
- http://www.neue-medizin.de/
- http://www.pilhar.com/ (web pages or even supporters of Mr Hamer with data about his person and the "Germanic New Medicine" ("Why Germanic New Medicine", "Therapy in the Germanic New Medicine", "Historical review how the Iron Rule of Cancer was born") - www.AGPF .com / Hamer.htm (critical examination of Hamer and his teachings)
verdict of the Administrative Court of Frankfurt / M., No business. 12E591/03 (2) to the hearing, 22.10.2003
opinion of Prof. Dr. med Kanz to habilitation "The Iron Rule of Cancer" by Dr. Hamer on 25/04/1996
opinion of Prof. Dr. med Henze as part of an investigation against Dr. Hamer, 31 August 1998
TV report on the program Report Mainz (see http://www.swr.de/report/archiv/sendungen/02118/04/ )
letter from Prof. em. Dr. hab. Jürgen Dietrich, Leipzig woman Swiss, Central Administration of the University of Tübingen of 26/07/2004)
Many more articles on the internet in various discussion forums on the topic "New Medicine
Introduction and Objectives:
After a short reading of texts by and about Mr. Hamer is clear that it is the construct of "GNM" an untenable, abstruse, non-and pseudo-scientific thought is building. However, it is dangerous due to the extensive dissemination of the theories on the Internet and unfortunately a couple of well-documented deaths of patients who trusted him, important to deal with it.
will first be a representation of the object, then an evaluation of the concept, an overview of the legal arguments made to date, a short version of anti-Semitic connections and a final assessment.
description of the purpose and the history of the "Germanic New Medicine" by RG Hamer
After with Dr. Hamer including marked essays on the internet born Mr Hamer 1935th He studied theology and medicine and received 26 years, the license to practice medicine and the Dr. degree, followed by periods as a junior doctor the University Hospitals of Tübingen and Heidelberg until its recognition as a specialist in internal medicine 1972nd Later, Mr. Hamer temporarily in a group practice with his wife Dr. Sigrid Hamer, active. Mr. Hamer had four children, the oldest son Dirk was on 18 August 1978 by a gunshot wound seriously injured and died 4 months later on 7/12/1978 from the effects of the injury. A few months later his father fell ill Hamer from testicular cancer, so he was operated on. inspired
In the following months, Mr. Hamer developed by dreams of his son Dirk, a theory about the origins of cancer, which he described as "Iron Rule of Cancer summed up "and - filed post-doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Medicine Tübingen - rejected. The core of this theory is that the trigger is any cancer a highly dramatic shock experience, highlighted by Mr Hamer DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome ") - such as in his case the loss of his son. This shock experience leaves for Hamers theory traces in the brain that can be detected with a CT scan. After a conflict-active phase is followed by the theory, if a solution to the underlying "biological conflict" is possible, the healing phase. No conflict resolution is possible, the patient remains in a "constant stress phase with its consumption of life energy, "then the death of the patient" in the cachexia "is possible.
Furthermore, a generalization of this principle was made by Mr. Hamer to other diseases, and indeed the whole of medicine. He formulated five biological laws of nature ("1 Iron Rule of Cancer, 2nd Suppose the two phases of the disease, 3 The ontogenetic system of tumors, 4 The ontogenetically-related system of microbes, 5 The Law of understanding of each so-called disease ").
As a conclusion from the described theory of cancer and general development of disease from conflicts the treatment of diseases, particularly cancer in the solution of the underlying conflict seen. The conflict resolution leads to the healing of the tumor, an orthodox medical treatment is not only unnecessary, but usually regarded as harmful.
The doctrine of "GNM" is spread extensively on the Internet on various websites and discussion forums, but in Baden-Württemberg are 16 so-called round tables on "GNM", with regular meetings.
nationwide renown Mr. Hamer 1995, when a Wilms tumor became ill 6 year old Olivia Pilhar has been withdrawn by their parents to blame the medical treatment by fleeing abroad. Only after the withdrawal of parental custody a successful conventional treatment was possible.
Unfortunately, a number of fatal cases in Germany and France are well documented. Especially in the case of the 25th Sören exchange tree that familiar ill with testicular cancer over a year Hamers theses, the deadly consequences of Hamer'schen theory and the related waiver are well documented in a conventional medical care (http://www.swr.de/ report/archiv/sendungen/02118/04 / and letter of Prof. em.'m Dr. med. Jürgen Dietrich, Leipzig, of 26/07/2004).
opinion on the basic concept of the disease and especially cancer through traumas and conflicts:
The idea that psychological factors have an influence on the development of cancer, has a long tradition. Von Galen, personal physician of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, have been associated with cancers of melancholy here. It is sometimes said to date from a cancer personality, which is characterized by depression, decreased expression of anger and rage and self-sacrificing tendencies. A concept that is now scientifically disproved (Black et al 2001).
Recent epidemiological population-based studies from Denmark, it is clear that there is no increased incidence of cancer in people with depression and lead to severe psychological stress factors such as the serious illness of a child to any increase in cancer incidence (Dalton et al, British Journal of Cancer 2004, 90, 1364 - 1366 and Dalton et al, American Journal of Epidemiology 2002, 155:1088 - 1095).
legal proceedings in matters Hamer
By notice dated 08th April 1986 Mr Hamer by the district government Koblenz revoke the approval granted by the Land Hessen. Any products against Mr Hamer action brought by the Administrative Court Koblenz dismissed on 07.03.1989, as was the appeal against that decision on 21.12.1990 dismissed by order of the High Administrative Court of Rhineland-Palatinate. It was explained that the cancellation was the approval of law because there is a high probability that the applicant is due to his mental and emotional constitution is no longer able to host his practical medical action on the inspection of medical conditions. The plaintiff was a similar delusional certainty, his scientific knowledge to its inviolability, embossed.
Even a request by the applicant on 30.6.1992 re-granting of the approval was by the Hessian Landesprüfungsamt rejected by decision of 01/12/1993. It was stated that a safe assumption on the final decision of the High Administrative Court in Koblenz, 21.12.1990 of this was that the applicant acknowledges in the diagnosis and therapy in particular cancer patients in a reasonable of him teaching, called the New Medicine of the absolute priority and at the same time opportunities which is incompatible with their methods could exclude from the application. He was therefore not prepared to inform patients of the medical conditions of the supply to the currently accepted knowledge necessary treatment. There was therefore a risk that the applicant cancer patients to their disadvantage by a potentially promising treatment on the basis of recognized discourages.
also lodged an objection on 01.15.1993 was rejected by the Hessian state examination office by decision of 13/06/1996. As an example, reference is made in this decision to the conduct of the plaintiff in the case of cancerous Olivia Pilhar. The applicant did this patient long-term treatment for his medical ideas and with all its available means is a promising medical treatment following the accepted rules of medicine will be prevented until finally the child's life was in the highest degree a real risk and the child only by State measures Austrian and English authorities and courts of a life-saving treatment of recognized medical science had to be rescued and fed.
appealed against that decision Mr. Hamer on 16/06/1996 a second appeal, after temporary suspension due to successful government investigation finally finished by the 22nd due to a hearing October was dismissed 2003rd The dismissal is based on the grounds that Mr Hamer unchanged in the diagnosis and treatment of people with cancer, founded by his teaching of the so-called "new medicine" and acknowledges the absolute priority rule out other approaches and methods in the treatment from the outset. This provides a real concern that patients in a comprehensive treatment would not be fed.
Further justifying the dismissal of the action is stated that Mr. Hamer had repeatedly violated criminal laws, for which he was convicted. Despite withdrawal of the medical approbation Mr. Hamer repeatedly treated patients. Therefore made in February 1993, a final conviction of the Cologne Regional Court to a prison term of 4 months on probation. Final judicial ruling of the district court of Cologne, 09/09/1997, the applicant was sentenced to a further imprisonment of 1 year and 7 months. The alleged crimes in terms of Olivia Pilhar could however, are not yet clear, criminal proceedings, as Mr Hamer withdrew the execution of this criminal case by a change of residence to Spain.
In June 2004, Mr. Hamer has been in absentia in Chambery, France, convicted of fraud and complicity in the illegal practice of medicine to three years in prison.
died convinced that the prosecution of several patients after they had followed the advice of two followers Hamers. On 09 September 2004, Mr. Hamer was arrested in Spain under a European arrest warrant and extradited to France in the episode.
Hamer and anti-Semitism:
In the writings of Hamer comes to light a clear anti-Semitic attitude. Originally, the theory of Mr Hamer, the term "New Medicine" was widespread. It has recently been made a conceptual change in "Germanic New Medicine". In support of Hamer found in the Internet-accessible e-mails on the proud tradition of the Germanic people of poets and thinkers, musicians and explorers, from the Hamer tribe. He also wanted to anticipate his opponents, steal like magpies "who, so that at the end of" this wonderful gift of the gods [the GNM] then maybe Jewish New Medicine "would mean.
out further from Hamer: "It's like this: The Jewish religion divides know, everything is a benign and malignant in, so-so in the Jewish orthodox medicine. We non-Jews are forced to continue to practice the Jewish orthodox medicine with chemotherapy, morphine ....- the Jews themselves for 20 years but no longer practice it. "( www.AGPF.de / Hamer.htm ). Elsewhere, the absurd is argued that Jews could be treated according to the "Germanic New Medicine" and therefore survived cancer to 98%, while 95% of the school medical assisted dying in it. These rates reveal himself as the clear, dull of stupid anti-Semitism.
Concluding summary statement:
In so-called "Germanic New Medicine" by Mr. Hamer is in the biography and dreams of Mr. Hamer founded theorem without any scientific or empirical grounds. On the contrary, according to the current state of knowledge The underlying basic hypothesis is refuted. There are a number of deaths of people who trusted his theory, well documented, would have possessed under conventional medical treatment is a realistic chance of recovery. Therefore the "Germanic New Medicine" in the strongest terms as one part absurd, on the other hand, demonstrably dangerous rejected. Their distribution must be with all available means - be halted - legally and in the way of enlightenment. A platform for self-representation may not be him and his followers offered.
Cited References:
Dalton SO, Laursen TM, Mortensen PB, Johansen C. Major life event - diagnosis of schizophrenia in offspring and risk for cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2004 90: 1364-1366
Dalton SO, Mellemkjaer L, Olsen JH, Mortensen PB, Johansen C. Depression and cancer risk: a register-based study of patients hospitalized with affective disorders, Denmark 1969-1993. Am J Epidem 2002; 155:1088-1095
R. Black psyche and cancer. Oncologist 2001, 7: 124-132
Dr. M. Sökler
internist / hematologist
senior physician
Arlette Büchel and Harald Baumann, represented by Paul E. Wittmer (General Power of Attorney)
comment : The con man Paul E. Wittmer has for 27 months in prison
verdict display STAPA.2006.32 v. 08.22.2007
Paul E. Wittmer was arrested on 15.03.2008 in Austria / Vorarlberg.
An extradition process was the appropriate law enforcement agency initiated
Paul E. Wittmer is finally in prison (Canton Solothurn)
Association for New Medicine Switzerland
Association for New Medicine, Switzerland - PO Box 433 - 8570 Weinfelden
Mr. Federal
Pascal Couchepin
Inselgasse 1
3003 Bern
Dear Federal
In Attached is a brief presentation
the so-called "Germanic New Medicine ®" according to Dr. RG Hamer, which have been hardly considered real causes of all diseases in which treatment involves and scientifically justified in any case can. Within the last 25 years have been confirmed by Dr. Hamer, the five natural laws formulated in tens of thousands of patients consistently be right!
Just because Dr. Hamer's findings today, still generally believed to be correct and valid medical knowledge are diametrically opposite, countless hypotheses overthrow and explain with verifiable laws of nature can, and we regard it as a signatory our most pressing civic duty, you, as elected and accountable decision-makers of the Swiss people, by registered letter to inform you.
It should and must in the future from you, the National, Estates, or Bundesrat can not be said or thought that you as a member of the most important decision of our country none of the psycho-biological disease triggers and the five natural laws by which all diseases created and run, would know.
We consider the best possible health of the Swiss people as vital to its survival, well being and happiness. Just today, however, is due the ignorance of the five discovered by Dr. RG Hamer natural laws our health care in most areas and most urgently in need of reform as missed out.
In this sense, we hope that the necessary decisions for the review of "Germanic New Medicine ®" not delay for years, but according to the interests of our fellow citizens acting independently.
Yours sincerely, for the Association for New Medicine
President Vice President Member of the Association
Kurt Bürki Hanspeter Schmidhauser Harald Baumann
Go to:
Federal Council, and all parliamentarians of the National Council and Stands
- Presentation
- Spring 2006 conference program
The "Germanic New Medicine ®" on the Internet
http://www.neue-medizin. ch / public / brief_volksvertreter.doc
Association for New Medicine Switzerland - PO Box 433 - 8570 Weinfelden
Mr. National
Caspar Baader
Ochsengasse 19
4460 Gelterkinden
Natural Sciences and medical knowledge about disease development and healing
Dear (r) Men's National Baader
On 24 February 2006, send you a message that our association Dr. RG Hamer shorthand about the 5 laws of nature to the disease, its triggers, and their specific course ("GNM presentation of" - see also below web address). Consternation, we found that neither you nor any other BR or parliamentarians responded, or even let us get an opinion. This fact makes us consider the following conclusions: Ø
the font has not been read, or they
Ø is wrong or was not understood, or they
Ø obligation is written that they have little or no intelligible, or
Ø is presented in accordance with the laws of nature so diametrically opposed to the known world, that they were discarded in the lump.
course we are aware that you yourself will probably inundated with countless requests. If we therefore error to the effect undermined, your attention is not or insufficiently attention to this extremely important medical knowledge to be able to do to us this extremely sorry! For
result of our experience with thousands of different courses of disease and the basis of the findings of the discovered laws of nature are healed, we are committed to make this invaluable knowledge more widely available.
But like home-based workers 200 years ago for fear of income loss against the industrialization to defend themselves, so fight powerful and powerless in today's healthcare and pharmaceutical industry against an ever become necessary costs and related suffering and job reductions.
More and more expensive medicine is ultimately anyway, not really people-friendly, if that is able to pay increasingly widening of the population today's medicine is no longer out of pocket - so it then there is unfortunately no more medicine for everyone, woman and child. A soon as possible ways is probably not only fashionable, but absolutely neces-sary!
To win, however, not fears, but humanity and reason prevail, we go again with the simple request to you, yourself to appropriate reference to the accompanying booklet on breast lump some of the basic fundamental skills of an effective, holistic medicine. For not to authority and anonymous statistics, but mainly on understanding and real experience, the terrain for a more effective and people will be prepared in its entirety detected medicine.
to your feedback, we would be very interested and pleased at any rate high!
Sincerely, Association for New Medicine
Hanspeter Schmidhauser Albert iron ring Harald Baumann
goes to: the Federal Council and all Members of the National Council and
Supplement: "Family crush and its medical Adventure, Volume 6 "
The" Germanic New Medicine ® "on the Internet
Ø Ø http://www.neue-medizin.ch/
http://www.neue-medizin.de/ http://www.pilhar.com/News/Praesentation_der_GNM.pdf
REPLY iS Arlette Büchel and charlatan Harald Baumann
representatives of the "NEW GERMANIC MEDICINE" a death cult
by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hammer
Faith in obscure cancer therapy
A woman died in agonizing death from cancer. She believed in the rare methods of "New Medicine."
Zurich, Switzerland November 23, 2000Tages indicator Http: / / day-anzeiger.ch
by Hugo Stamm
Zurich. - In their despair, cancer patients continue to try out the controversial "New Medicine" therapists. And over and over cancer patients die in a humanly undignified manner. Typical of this is the tragic example of a 45-year-old nurse who discovered a little lump in her breast in May 1997. The doctor wanted to find out if the cyst was malevolent by surgery. After several hours the woman woke up in intensive care - without her left breast. The surgeons did not only have to amputate the breast, but also removed an affected lymph gland. Because of fear of losing her hair, the nurse refused chemotherapy as well as radiation. She did not want to take medicines, either.
She got a prescription from a doctor specializing in natural medicine for Iscador to treat her cancer, but she stopped taking it after a short time. Iscador was poison, she told her mother. Today her mother knows that she should have listened closer. Because her daughter had made contact with practitioners of "New Medicine" and had put her faith in them. A couple of months later the nurse showed her mother a small lump under her left shoulder. Nothing dangerous, the daughter reassured her mother. Only some congestion, her therapist had said. The doctors advised her to immediately get a check up, but the daughter said she did not need any medical help, she was using the methods of "New Medicine." The mother got stubborn when her daughter withdrew to concentrate on her healing, as she said. But even though she was not familiar with "New Medicine," she accepted the decision of her daughter and hoped for an early recovery.
Her daughter constantly assured her over the telephone that she was on the way to recovery. Five months later came a muffled cry for help. The mother immediately drove to her - and was scared to death when she saw her daughter sleeping on the sofa. "In order to keep from crying out, I had to leave the building again," she said. "A skeleton covered with skin was lying there, an old woman of 90 years. The fattest thing on her was her arm. She had unspeakable pain. As I washed her I saw that her left side from her breast to her back was a single, searing, infected stinking wound with deep gashes." She cried without stopping.
The daughter refused to be brought to the hospital because she was afraid she would be given medication against her will. Doing that would have weakened the self-healing powers of the defender of "New Medicine." The mother took over caring for her daughter. When the pain became unbearable after a few days and the daughter was crying without stop, the patient was brought to the emergency room of the hospital. After three days she died. To the very end she believed the promises of the "New Medicine" and the day before her death was still speaking about rapid recovery.
Arlette Buechel from Herisau, "New Medicine's" representative in Switzerland, refused any responsibility. She verified that the cancer patient had sought out her practice and had spoken with her repeatedly over the telephone. "I knew she had no chance of survival. If the breast has been amputated, there is nothing we can do," she stated. But she did not advise going into the hospital to die a human death. That is because doctors are criminals as far as representatives of "New Medicine" are concerned.
Red Carpet for Charlatans
Zurich, SwitzerlandJune 28, 1999Tages-Anzeiger
When spirit and nature healers may carry on a practice without a license, Zurich will turn into a Mecca for Charlatans. Therefore there needs to be provisions in the new health care law.
by Hugo Stamm
If everything goes the way the Green party Health Director Verena Diener wants it, all healers and those who practice the laying on of hands may soon open up a practice in Zurich Canton and treat patients with all methods imaginable. They would not have to fulfill any requirements and would need no education. In any case that is how the proposal for the new health law provides for it. With her liberalization idea, Diener is making it too simple. With the captious buzzwords "free market" and "self-responsibility" she opens up every gate of potential abuse and sneaks out the back door of responsibility.
Admittedly it is difficult to pick the charlatans out of the vast army of spiritual healers and nature practitioners on the legal path. However it is negligent to unconditionally level the field for all players. Either Diener has underestimated the problem or she has capitulated because she is afraid of being caught in the devil's kitchen. Many people have their fingers in this pie; there are countless representatives around the trough of health care: health insurance, doctors, institutions and schools, associations, esoteric and alternative groups, spiritual healers and healing practitioners of every kind.
The government representative must spot the problem because Zurich is the ideal location for healing practitioners. Besides that a healer must often deal in matters of life and death. Countless alternative therapists and healers - even those regarded as professionals in alternative circles - promise in their mystical delusions cures for fatal illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis. Understandably seriously ill patients, in their confusion, swarm to them. Often they refuse medical assistance because they believe that school medicine and alternative healing methods are incompatible.
10,000 healers and people who practice laying on of hands
It is especially important today to protect patients from charlatans because the number of unprofessional healers has rapidly sprouted up in the last few years. The unprecedented wave of esoterica has made the alternative healing methods popular and had promoted ill humor for school medicine. Today about 10,000 spiritual healers and healing practitioners vie for the patients' favor. Many have made their hobby into a profession and treat patients without formal education on the subject.
The market has long been saturated. This induces various healers to lure customers with exaggerated promises. For the lay person - which means most patients - it is practically impossible to differentiate the natural healing practitioners from the charlatans because their methods of treatment extensively evade empirical review and are matters of faith. Many patients just make do with that. The methods which unprofessional healers use are adventurous. A couple of examples:
In a few days one can receive training as a Reiki specialist and administer therapy to patients with hands from which curative energy allegedly flows. An invitation for dabblers in cures to decorate their wall with a certificate.
The adherents of "New Medicine" believe that serious illnesses such as cancer and AIDS can be cleared up with shocking experiences and apply cures using psychological measures. Patients are not supposed to take any pain-relieving medication because this allegedly has an influence upon the powers of self-healing. Fatal cases from the "New Medicine" environment, where cancer patients frequently die after weeks of hellish pain, have been documented in court. Geerd Hamer, the "discover" of "New Medicine," has been sentenced to several months in prison. His large following is none the smaller for it.
Many healers claim that, thanks to their clairvoyance, they are able to see through the patients and recognize the illness. They consider their diagnosis to be infallible.
Various remote healers have advertised for patients with newspaper insert campaigns. Individuals invest over a million franks per year. For treatment expenses of a couple of hundred franks they must "heal" thousands of patients in order to make up their costs. The stuff of impossibility. Quite apart from the fact that the method of treatment is extremely controversial and is an open invitation to abuse.
Aside from doctors using methods of natural healing and homeopaths with a professional education, very few therapists or healers have sufficient medical or anatomical knowledge needed to be able to advise patients, much less be able to treat them.
Policies or Laws are Necessary
There are two primary alternatives of fighting abuse:
Either the government publishes policies which the healers have to fulfill in order to be permitted to treat patients in their own practice. This would mean that the officials would inspect and verify the appropriate courses of instruction. A roundabout and difficult path.
Or the government works out a sort of consumer protection law in the area of alternative healing methods. That would give a patients a device by which they could protect themselves from charlatans and be able to proceed legally if need be. Besides that the healers could be obligated to state for the patients their methods of healing, their effectiveness, as well as the costs in terms of finance, time and personal consequence. A written contract on the diagnosis, therapy and chances of cure would also be worth considering. The patients or their next of kind would have the opportunity of demanding recompensation. Reversing the burden of proof would also make sense. The healer would then have to prove that he had not neglected to provide help and that his treatment at least had not made things worse. Seeking preventive measures would frighten off Charlatans. If
servants should retain [her stance] on her legislative proposal, the canton assembly will have to see to it that in effective correction is brought about.
Source / Source: http://www.lermanet.com/cisar/survey/zq.htm